Batch failure reduction at Biotechnology company: Ian undertook a pre-Lean programme gap analysis, which identified the issues that were causing the batch failure problem and also a 1-year programme, with cost benefit analysis, which would remedy the issues. Ian then:

  • Implemented Lean OEE based performance management systems and review processes in Production, Quality Assurance and Control and Engineering.
  • Coached 30 employees in team based structured problem solving.
  • Facilitated the development of robust internal customer supplier procedures.
  • Assisted the Site Director in the development and implementation of a new Lean structure and roles to meet changing business circumstances.

Results: 50% reduction in process variances; a 50% improvement in processing efficiency and a reduction in operating costs equivalent to 10% of annual turnover.

Rapid Capacity Increase on confectionery plant: Ian analysed the situation on plant and determined that a lack of performance management routines and accurate data capture and analysis was the root cause of why production targets were not being met. Over 8 weeks Ian designed, built and coached in on the floor, the use of OEE based data capture system and short interval review and action routines with the shop floor and maintenance teams.

Results: 22% increase capacity equivalent to circa 220,000 chocolate bars per day; customer service shortfall averted; sustainable behavioural change and ownership within a traditional unionised environment.

New Product Development lead time reduction at automotive supplier:
Over 4 months, working with the NPD project team, Ian developed a new project management process, KPIs, FMEA processes and coached in the use of these with the team.

Results: late project brought back on track and key milestones achieved enabling customer to achieve launch date of new model.

Step change improvement of machine reliability at a chicken based ready meal company
: Working with the site team, Ian developed a project programme that would enable the company to move from a reactive approach to preventative asset reliability management. Over 6 months and 4 departments, Ian worked with a 30 strong maintenance team to implement:
  • KPI systems.
  • A ‘Lean Office’.
  • TPM based condition monitoring and evaluation system.
  • Standardized work processes.
  • Newly defined roles with Lean competences.
  • A computerised maintenance management system.
Results: 75% reduction in equipment related downtime; project paid back whilst Ian was still on site.

Yield and quality improvement at a fresh produce company: Using a Lean Six Sigma DMAIC structure and working with a client team including a farming representative, Ian implemented the following methods:

  • Harvesting technique optimisation to reduce product damage.
  • Statistical Process Control at points along the whole supply chain.
  • Controlling, understanding and tackling factors that impact the variation between predicted yield and actual yield on a day to day basis.
  • Ensuring that all on-farm and in-factory defect measurement processes were valid, reliable and consistent on a statistical basis.
  • Factory process improvement to reduce product attrition and grading accuracy.
  • A ‘toolkit’ of methods, practices and audit procedures to guarantee that the methods and benefits were both sustained and improved following the completion of the project.

Results: £400K savings per annum; yield improvement of 12%.

Productivity Increase at Food company: Over six months on site working with the site team, Ian designed and implemented:

  • Shop-floor performance management system and routines in 3 Production departments and Engineering.
  • Coached the workforce in Short Interval Control and Visual Management techniques.
  • Trained all management levels in Lean/ Continuous improvement techniques including Structured Problem Solving, SMED, 5S, Line Balancing, Asset Care etc.
  • Created a strategy with working methods, systems and audits to ensure that Lean principles, tools and skills were incorporated into the annual, monthly, weekly and daily workings of the company.
Results: 25% improvement in productivity; savings circa £600K pa, demonstrable culture change.